Today was definitely a highlight day! I came home from work to discover a little orange envelope taped on the back door with my name on it. It turned out to be a scavenger hunt through the house! Dennis told me that a beautiful girl was here only moments ago and that I might have just missed her. I simply smiled and read the notes and clues that lead me around the house! Dennis even helped me out!
From following the clues and hints, I changed into something nice, then finally put together a fragmented sentence from combining all of my clues together and drove to Granite City (hoping I was on the right track)! Sure enough, sitting in a corner booth was a beautiful girl dressed up in the most beautiful dress! We ate dinner, laughed, and had a great time! Then after dinner I waited while said girl went to "use the restroom." A few minutes later I received a text message alluding to another location to drive to, based on a previous date! I drove to Snuffy's for dessert and sure enough, sitting the same booth from about 4 months ago was sitting the same beautiful girl with the same incredible smile! We split a malt (fudge brownie!!!), then rented the Goofy Movie to watch back at her apartment. This was definitely an evening to remember! Side note: Blockbuster charges over $4 for EVERY MOVIE now! I suggest Redbox or just purchasing movies now (while streaming movies or torrents could be other options as well)!
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